Sunday 21 April 2013

The work / life see-saw

We’ve already established that I love what I do.  Work is like my playground, where I'm lucky I get to explore new avenues and ideas, be creative and talk to and positively impact people on a daily basis.  Because I do have so much freedom to be me and I’m excited by the wonderful possibilities, it’s really easy for me to get carried away and let my work mojo go wild!  Which is great!  The thing I’m starting to realise though is that sometimes I’m then in danger of letting my home mojo take second place.  And I really don’t want that to happen.  Because I want to make sure that I invest the same energy and enthusiasm into positively impacting and encouraging those I love too.  They mean the world to me.  They help support and encourage me to be the best me I can be.  And I know that I love them for being them.  But quite frankly if I’m not spending quality time with them, then I’m not always showing them just how much they mean to me am I?  And because I want to do both, I can be guilty of then forgetting to take time to re-charge.  I always read before bed.  Every night without fail.  I love it and it's important for me to switch off.  Hubby does too.  But this is all well and good as long as I'm getting to bed early enough to allow me to really re-charge!

If you or anyone else you know finds it difficult to stay on the work / life balance see-saw, then I would highly recommend this book.  I’ve been reading it lately and it’s really helped me get some perspective.   For anyone who likes a good toolkit too – it’s great for that too.  I've taken the image from the amazon page, so the link to look inside doesn't work (I just love a visual) but I've included the amazon link below in case anyone fancies taking a closer look....

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