Saturday 20 April 2013

A little bit about me...

About Me:
I find it quite hard introducing myself as I don’t know quite where to begin and where to end!   So, I’m just going to ramble this one out and see where it takes me….
I’m a positive, life loving, people loving person.  

Things I enjoy most in the world are in no particular order:
  • Cuddles and cwtches (I lived in Wales for a bit so feel I can adopt the best word for a cuddle)
  • Laughing until my mascara runs
  • BBQs.  People that know me know that every day is BBQ day if it’s sunny
  • Bouncing ideas off people and seeing where they can take us
  • Letting my imagination run wild and helping other people do the same
  • People and all their quirks
  • Seeing other people smile and making them happy
  • Helping people believe in themselves , do what they love, be good at what they do and achieve what they dream of
  • Sunshine, swim up bars and getting away from it all
  • A good book and some good old escapism
  • Box sets – from Sex & The City & Greys Anatomy to Sons of Anarchy &The Shield
  • Weddings.  They really are the best day ever.  Friends, love, food, drink & dancing.
  • Christmas.  It is the most wonderful time of the year.
The list can and does go on and on and on.  Yes, that’s right.  I probably should add to the list that one of the things I love most is looking for the positive in any situation.  Because I really do!

My People
People definitely deserve a special mention in my eyes.  I love a LOT of people, but want to give a special intro to my husband and family.

My Husband:
Johnny.  My boy.  Movie fan, funny man, the yin to my yang.  He knows me inside and out and loves me anyway.  Was the year above me at primary school and he tells everyone I’ve been stalking him ever since and begged him to go out with him.  But we both know that’s not how it went down.

My Mum:  
Known to all in the know as St Katherine of Terriers.  She is an ANGEL.  Very selective hearing (she ignores us when we’re joshing with her and can hear a piece of gossip from miles away).  She knows everything about everyone.   Can usually be found with the phone glued to her ear.  She still answers the phone with the home number, bless!

My Dad:
Otherwise known as Big Malc, Papa Bear or sometimes Don Corleone (thanks to a party trick he has of popping cherry tomatoes in the sides of his mouth and pretending to be the Godfather).  Family man, also a funny man (although sometimes questionable joke quality) & gets as excited about BBQ season as me.

Little Sis:
Siobhan.  Known as Bornie monkeyhead or Ron.  A school teacher with a big heart and a good 'telling off' voice.  Bakes a blinking good cake and loves to bake so always welcome at gatherings (obv her company also warrants an invite).  Loves to travel, take the mickey out of my husband and can fall asleep anywhere and at the drop of a hat.  Seriously anywhere!

Big Bro:
Rory: Doesn’t really need a nickname in our family, he is Rory!  He is calm, sarcastic and a really nice bloke.  Has an eclectic taste in everything and learns a new practical skill every five minutes (archery, slacklining, jewellery making, balloon animal making).  He’s always evolving, so I guess a bit like Kylie, but he’d hate me calling him that….but I always think he secretly loves it when I call him things he hates, so I will now call him Kylie! 

Why Blog:
I am a blue sky thinking, creative type and like to make sense of my thoughts by jotting them down, playing around with the words and trying to join the dots and make sense of me, people and the world around me.  I’m not one for making a schedule and sticking to it, so likely sometimes I’ll post a lot and then I’ll go quiet.  I’m quite easily distracted by the new and shiny but I do tend to come back to base once in a while to check in.

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