Sunday 21 April 2013

Absence makes the heart grow fonder....

So, I’ve been home alone this weekend.  Hubby has been on an amazing work incentive in Chamonix and I’ve been mooching around, meeting up with my amazing friend Hannah and deciding to take a plunge and start this blog.

I’ve just got a text message from my hubby which has made me massively smile, so I wanted to capture our parallel weekends through the medium of text conversations.  Here are a few:

Johnny:  Love you
Me:  Wow!  Looks amazing!!  You look well happy in that pic.  Love you too xx
Johnny: It is amazing here.  Forget the sports.  The place alone is stunning.  You would love it.  The temperature in that picture of me was 21c!!!!
Me:  No way!!  Woww!!
Johnny: It was awesome.

Johnny: This place is stunning!
Johnny: We had fondue for dinner
Me: That is amazing!  Beautiful!  So, million dollar question:  what’s better, grated cheese or melted cheese?  ;-) So glad you got to go bubs xx
Johnny: Grated is best!
Me: Too right!

And just now......
Johnny: I love you honey
Me: I love you too.  Starving!  I’ve got to go hunter gather for myself…boo!  What you up to?
Johnny: Went up the mountain properly today.  It was the most amazing thing.  I am going to start skiing.  I love this life!  Went back to the hotel and had a sauna and a swim.  Shower and a DVD and now in texas restaurant waiting for ribs!
Me: Jesus Christ, that sounds like the perfect day!  Love it!!  I could be persuaded to come with you next time (obv not on a work one).  Bet you are well happy with ribs on the way too!
Johnny: Bad ribs!!!!!  But still an amazing place.  You would love it.

So there you have it.  Looks like I might go off skiing sometime.  Watch this space!   In the meantime, two things.
Firstly, I can't wait for Johnny to come back and tell me all his stories.  To help me tell him mine, here's a few pics from my weekend:

These pics were taken when off exploring with my amazing friend Hannah.  I noticed that she had the Amaretto wedding favour still untouched from mine and Johnny's wedding (where she was a beautiful bridesmaid) and it made me smile!!  Here's a quick bridesmaid pic for the hell of it...(lovely Hannah on the left and my beautiful little sis Siobhan on the right) 

Secondly, I would be really interested to find out what you think is best: grated or melted cheese?  Please feel free to comment!

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