Saturday 27 April 2013

My guilty pleasure....

I have a bit of a guilty pleasure…I love snuggling on the sofa and watching a good old talent competition.  Whether it’s X-factor, Britain’s Got Talent, The Great British Bake Off, Got 2 dance or Masterchef …… I love them all!

Now I know a lot of people absolutely can’t stand them, can’t stomach the idea of people who are awful being ridiculed on TV (which I can completely understand) but I think there’s something fantastic about them that draws me in.

What is that magic?  Why can’t I get enough of them???  Well, recently I think I’ve figured out what it is.  And I’ve realised they closely link into who I am and what I love to do….So here goes, my list of reasons for my-not-so-guilty-now-I-think-about-it pleasure….

They encourage people to be brave and put themselves out there to pursue their dreams.  There’s no guarantee of success on these shows.  Every year, I am amazed that there are still people in the x-factor auditions that take my breath away.  Surely they would’ve applied before, released a record already? etc etc.  But there they are, standing on stage, heart pounding with their nan or family nervously watching on hoping they’ll do themselves justice and people will love them…. And boy when they can channel the nerves into energy, they can often create something special!

They encourage people to be authentic and creative.  The most inspiring performances come from people who don’t just copy what someone else has done before, but the people who really make it their own.  Take James Arthur on the x-factor.  He channelled his personality, creativity and personality to take songs and allow people to hear them in a different way.  I love his take on a Marvin Gaye classic...

This authenticity meant people wanted to back him, pick up the phone and vote so they could get a chance to see more of what he had to offer.  Which in turn must’ve encouraged him to push the boundaries even further and keep true to himself.  Which leads me onto….

They people to do what they do best and embrace their style.  Similar to the Whether  it’s power ballards, rapping, dance or Motown that floats your boat, you can really tell when someone is singing in a style that doesn’t work for them.

The encourage people to take the feedback and lessons learnt and use those to make themselves even better.  There are quite a few acts, those who are really motivated who you see come back again and again, even if they haven’t been the winner.  I get so nervous when someone comes on stage to audition that’s been there before and hasn’t won the competition.  Sometimes I find it hard to watch!  But, I LOVE it when they absolutely smash the audition.  The pride and relief on their face is fantastic to see.  And you know what I’ve noticed?  Usually the ones that do this are those that say, ‘I took the feedback from last time and it made me more determined than ever to work hard and succeed; to become even better this time’.  It’s not always easy to hear feedback – especially when you’re disappointed.  But the right feedback taken on board and applied with some fighting spirit can be so powerful to help people do themselves proud.

A GREAT example of this was Ruff Diamond dance troupe who came back for the second year running on Got2Dance.  Although they didn't win, they made it to the final and I've no doubt will go far:

They show the value of hard work.  Practice, practice, practice!  Although some people are gifted with talents, if you don’t learn the words to the song, or do a trial run of your Victoria sponge before the competition, you might not get as far as you’d like.  This year on Got2Dance, there was a massive influx of talent who had spent hours and hours in their bedrooms learning their craft.  The outcome of this dedication and commitment to do what they loved and perfect their craft was amazing!

They encourage people to believe in themselves.  Positive encouragement and feeling that other people enjoy, respect, love or even accept them for who and what they are is really powerful.  And I LOVE seeing people who have been nervous as anything, unsure of themselves bloom into confident and self assured individuals, happy to be who they are and follow their dreams and motivations to make a difference.  And when these people channel their success to make differences to other peoples’ lives, that makes me very, very happy!

They inspire other people to pursue their dreams.  Like them or loathe them, the fact that television captures such a large audience, to me, is a fantastic thing.  If just one person gets inspired to pursue their dreams by the story or journey of the people who put themselves out there, then that really is special.  In fact, I suspect that they touch a few more people than that.

Here is the Got2Dance 2013 winner inspiring others with his amazing dance to the voice of X-factor winner, James Arthur:

How does this fit in with what I do?  Well, I love nothing more than seeing someone fulfil their potential and seeing the value in what they bring.  When I’m assessing on an interview day, I make it my personal goal to make sure that each and every person I come into contact with feels relaxed enough to be themselves.   I make sure I show them that I’m interested in what they have to say.  I will make sure I ask the best possible questions to give them every opportunity to showcase their skills.  And what’s more, whether they’re successful or not, I make sure that the feedback they are given is meaningful, delivered in a compassionate and personal way and hopefully encourages them to play to their strengths, develop themselves further and appreciate the value of their unique offering.

And boy, when I am told that I’ve made someone’s day, or that they really appreciate the feedback and understand what they do well / could improve upon for the future, then that inspires me to keep doing what I do and take the time to make sure that I don’t lose sight of the value this personal touch that I value so much adds to others.

So, whether you’re off on an interview soon, entering a talent competition, or just carrying on your day to day life, remember to be true to you….Remember to Express Yourself.  Love this song for capturing the essence of this.

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