Monday 13 May 2013

The value of tickling your funny bone....

A friend of mine posted an video on facebook this weekend and it had me chuckling and chuckling over my breakfast cereal.  Apparently it's become a global sensation thanks to the speed at which social media can allow people to share things that tickle their funny bones!  I'm not surprised either - it really tickled me!

The video shows a 'gas station' prank in which a guy filling up his tank is offered a free tank of gas in return for singing a bit of karaoke - in the middle of the gas station and live on TV.  And whereas some people would let self consciousness, being in too much of a rush, not liking karaoke (any number of reasons) prevent them from taking up the opportunity for free gas, he LAPS it up.  And not only that, his performance is pretty darn funny and contagious.  His wife decides she wants in on the action too - and boy does he look happy to provide backing singing to her performance too.  Call it a fix if you will - but I don't ruddy care.  I love that fact that lots and lots of people have been drawn to share this link.  For me it shows me a few things:

  • If you take opportunities, you never know the reward you might get
  • If you enjoy living in the moment, the chances are it will encourage those around you to do the same
  • It's bloomin nice to have a giggle over your cornflakes in the morning (I was in a fab mood as a result - much to the new dog Snoop's confusion!)
  • It's good to share the things that make you laugh with others.  Who doesn't want to set their friends and loved ones up to have a giggle.

So, for those of you who want a little funny bone tickle and haven't already seen this, check out the gas station karaoke for yourselves.  

Living on the freeeeeee gassss!!  

Hope you enjoyed it!

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